Malfet's home page

Not much there now, just a collection of web-toys I wrote in my spare time.

For example Mandelbort Set visualization as WebGL fragment shader.
Here is 1,000,000 zoom-in centerred around 0.2807024158978315-0.011177972555812295i
And rendering of Lyapunov exponent for logisitc equation.
Rendering of Julia Set for c-values from The Beauty of Fractals:

A curious case of disappearing roundoff errors (updated Nov 2022 with FP64 WebGL workaround, but still broken in modern Safari).

Very primitive Ray Tracer.
After several unsuccessul attempts to implement fourth degree polinomial solver as OpenGLES shader I've implemented Ray Marching tracer, using SDF definition for torus from Inigo Quelez 3D SDFs collection.
Page showing device orientation and motion events.

Compute first 10000 digits of Pi using spigot algorithm and BigInt.
Compute first 10000 digits of square root of 2 using BigInt. Or any other, for example 17
Incomplete WebAudio based parser of Music Macro Language